gdiplus: Implement trivial case of GdipCreateRegionRgnData for empty and infinite regions

Henri Verbeet hverbeet at
Tue Jun 9 01:44:24 CDT 2015

On 9 June 2015 at 08:34, Nikolay Sivov <bunglehead at> wrote:
> The reason is simple, to have this actually implemented in wine. The fact
> that it's included somewhere doesn't help with that.
I'll add to that that you can't expect actual Wine developers to keep
track of everything that is or isn't in wine-staging or other random
forks. If you want patches included in Wine, send them to
wine-patches, if not, I think it's fair to assume you're not
interested in upstreaming them. That's everyone's own prerogative, but
you can't then complain about it afterwards.

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