Wine developer frustration (was Re: ntdll: Improve stub of NtQueryEaFile.)

Michael Cronenworth mike at
Wed Jun 17 12:28:14 CDT 2015

On 06/17/2015 12:05 PM, Caron Wills wrote:
> The hard messaging I see about Wine-Staging is on this page:
> "Fedora for example ditched their regular Wine version and replaced it with Wine Staging."
> In the threads about Wine-Staging on wine-devel, it's apparent that the Fedora team was discouraged from doing this but on the Wine-Staging landing page it feels more like a selling point. I understand the importance of stating the above in a positive way but I wonder if this statement isn't a little over the top.

Their statement is indeed flamboyant and it is not entirely accurate. This is the 
first time I have seen it. Fedora applied wine-staging to be able to use 
"pipelight", which allows users to view Netflix (a video streaming service). I was 
initially against it, but Andreas decided it was worth adding. I'm CC'ing Sebastian 
to update their page.

We ship users' bug reports off to wine-staging before they make it here.

Fedora Maintainer

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