[PATCH] include: Add undocumented theming hook structs to winuser.h.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Wed Mar 18 03:19:13 CDT 2015

Mark Harmstone <hellas at burntcomma.com> wrote:

> Adds the undocumented structs to winuser.h which are needed for uxtheme to hook
> into user32. As researched by ReactOS: see https://www.reactos.org/wiki/Techwiki:RegisterUserApiHook

Referencing reactos as a source of the information makes it unlikely
to improve the chances of including the patch in Wine. Moreover, as
was already discussed many times, theme interface is completely
undocumented and different between Windows versions, therefore it's
very unlikely that there is an application that depends on the
details of this interface, thus making it unnecessary to duplicate
it in Wine.


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