RFC: Hybrid (wineserver / process-local) native semaphores

Chiitoo escomk3 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 11 05:52:11 CDT 2015

On 11/09/15 01:59, Daniel Santos wrote:
> Thanks for trying it out! It appears that I didn't know
> WaitOnMultipleObjectSex as well as I had previously thought and was
> returning the wrong value! When bWaitAll = FALSE, I'm supposed to return
> WAIT_OBJECT_0 + the index of the object that was signalled (and not just
> STATUS_SUCCESS). Incidentally, this also fixes the failed tests in
> threadpool. I hope that this also fixes the problem you are having with
> FFXI, as it was definitely not behaving correctly! All "wait any" calls
> would have thought that the first object was signalled.
> Thanks!
> Daniel

Glad if I can be of any help!

I tried the new set, but I'm still seeing the same issue here.  I'll see 
if I can spot anything helpful in comparing server/ntdll traces, though 
considering how talkative those can be, I'm not too hopeful. :]

Any other ideas in the meantime?

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