[website] Update Debian downloads info (Resend)

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Fri Sep 11 09:09:07 CDT 2015

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Kyle Auble wrote:
> IIUC, the funny thing about Debian is when they simultaneously took their leap
> of faith from ia32-libs and resisted the RPM "heresy" of just letting i386 and
> amd64 packages mingle freely, they made it *really* tricky to do things like
> build WoW64-wine without a chroot.

I have dug into the multiarch issues that impact Wine and made bug 
reports and tried to propose patches. I don't have time to push things 
forward currently so here's the list in case someone wants to pick it 

Note that at the time the header situation was still not quite clear. 
Now it's easy, just put them in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu and 

Also note that a bunch of these are actually so GStreamer 0.10 can be 
made multiarch, which may well never happen.

(the date corresponds to the last bug update)

2015/02/10 Bug 689068 libxi-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2013/05/20 Bug 666761 [libfreetype6-dev] Make libfreetype6-dev multiarch-installable
2015/02/07 Bug 689082 Patch: libxcomposite-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible [patch]
2015/02/10 Bug 689089 libglu1-mesa-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2012/09/29 Bug 689090 libgstreamer0.10-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2015/02/12 Bug 689097 libgtk2.0-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2015/02/10 Bug 689122 libcairo2-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2015/02/11 Bug 683592 libpango1.0-dev: mark libpango1.0-dev multi-arch:same
2015/02/11 Bug 689124 libatk1.0-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2015/05/23 Bug 683593 Patch: libglib2.0-dev: please mark libglib2.0-dev multi-arch: same [patch]
2012/09/29 Bug 689125 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2015/05/23 Bug 714589 Request Multi-Arch support for package libgcrypt11-dev
2013/07/26 Bug 717883 python-gtk2: Please convert python-gtk2 to multiarch
2015/02/11 Bug 760370 libpcap0.8-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible
2015/02/06 Bug 777200 Patch: libcdaudio1 is not Multi-Arch compatible [patch]
2015/02/06 Bug 777202 Patch: libzbar0 is not Multi-Arch compatible [patch]
2015/02/06 Bug 777209 Patch: libkate1 is not Multi-Arch compatible [patch]
2015/02/06 Bug 777211 Patch: libgtkglext1 is not Multi-Arch compatible [patch]
2015/07/27 Bug 777222 Patch: libcdio13 is not Multi-Arch compatible [patch]
2015/05/22 Bug 786562 libexif-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible

(I'm omitting the 34 other multiarch bugs that got fixed)

Francois Gouget <fgouget at free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
      Broadcast message : fin du monde dans cinq minutes, repentez vous !

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