[PATCH 1/3] uiribbon: Add DLL

Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 28 16:55:35 CDT 2017

Hi Fabian,

>Should I add all private functions like DllGetClassObject as stub, or already 
>implemented? Because the class factory logic is is a bunch of code, that's why 
>I separated it from the initial commit.

Just have it return CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE is fine.

>Just for clarification, I should add all the needed interfaces (including 
>IUIApplication) at once in the idl, 
Yes, have a single patch that adds the idl.

Here is an example of what I would expect. In this case I wanted IMFTransform
but it required a a few enum/struct's to make it compile.

> but only add the IUnknown methods into IUIFramework_Vtbl?
No, when you stub the interface all the functions should be added.

Best Regards
 Alistair Leslie-Hughes

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