[PATCH v3 3/6] shell32/autocomplete: Implement a cache and sort the enumerated strings for proper behavior

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 06:19:04 CDT 2018

BTW about the boolean, I just want to ask to be sure about this please:

The alternative would be to use a small goto as it was originally, all
it does is basically break twice to outer scope (i.e. it's like "break
2" if C had such feature, or "break label" in some other languages). I
suppose that's not acceptable though, right?

I'm asking because a lot of other code-bases are ok with this use of
goto (to break out of nested scope to outer scope), so I'm a bit
"used" to it but obviously I'll go with what you have to say.

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