Re: [PATCH] d2d1: Trim rasterization area when drawing Bézier curves.

Giovanni Mascellani gio at
Wed Feb 12 07:03:43 CST 2020


Il 12/02/20 13:15, Henri Verbeet ha scritto:
> But note that the geometry we generate for Bézier outlines isn't quite
> a triangle (see d2d_geometry_outline_add_bezier_segment()). I *think*
> this change may still be safe with that geometry, but please verify
> that.

Yes, I know, I was a bit sloppy in the description, also because I don't
really know how to describe that shape: it's a triangle with the
"control point corner" removed. But again, the Bézier line is confined
in "truncated triangle", so its stroke can exceed it for at most half of
the stroke width.

Also, it seems the tests still pass (tested on my computer, because
Marvin is currently in a cosmic pessimism phase). And I briefly visually
compared the test images, and they seem to be identical.

Giovanni Mascellani <g.mascellani at>
Postdoc researcher - Université Libre de Bruxelles

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