[PATCH v2 1/2] kernel32/tests: Add tests for LCMapStringW

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Thu Feb 13 10:53:45 CST 2020

Fabian Maurer <dark.shadow4 at web.de> writes:

> Hello Alexandre,
>> It's unlikely that an app would care about the exact values. What
>> matters is the sort order of different character sequences, so that's
>> what you should be testing.
> Sure thing, we already have some of them and I could add more later.
> But since sortkeys are used for sorting, we can also test them directly. That
> way it's comparatively easy to make sure we get the right comparison as well.
> When a string comparison is wrong, you don't easily see why, but with sortkey
> generation it's pretty clear which part is off. There's a lot that goes into a
> sortkey, so I wanted to make sure all those details are also considered for
> sorting. Can't hurt, right?

Sure, you want to test the sortkeys directly. That doesn't mean you have
to test the exact values, only the values relative to each other.

> The compare string tests are for all windows versions. Only thing is, we could
> only run those sortkey tests on win7, which is not a problem IMHO. What do you
> say?

Yes, it's a problem, particularly since we'll want to support the latest
version (win10) in Wine, and potentially all of them. We need a way to
test all versions.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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