[PATCH] winegstreamer: Fixup raw audio caps to be compatible with IMFMediaType.

Derek Lesho dlesho at codeweavers.com
Fri Nov 6 14:20:21 CST 2020

On 11/6/20 2:13 PM, Zebediah Figura wrote:

> This is done in a rather inconsistent way relative to how video streams
> are handled.
Yes, because the goals are different for each of the paths.  The video 
path is just an enhancement to report video formats in a defined order 
as if they were coming from a decoder, since right now we're skipping 
the decoder MFT step.  The step for fixing up the audio caps is meant to 
be a generic solution for any caps which are un-representable as a 
IMFMediaType object.  This same path is used for compressed h.264 video 
on my local branch for example.

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