[PATCH v4 7/7] wmphoto: Implement WmpDecoder using jxrlib.

Esme Povirk (they/them) esme at codeweavers.com
Wed Sep 23 14:27:56 CDT 2020

-        todo_wine_if(test_image[i].expected.ImageFileFormat == D3DX10_IFF_WMP)
+        todo_wine_if(test_image[i].expected.ImageFileFormat ==
D3DX10_IFF_WMP && hr == E_FAIL) /* JPEG-XR support is optional */

We should remove the todo_wine. If something isn't working because of
a missing dependency, it's not working as far as the tests are

I had a thought about multiple frames. Maybe we should just create the
object in Initialize to get the number of frames, and make a new one
for each frame. (But I don't think it's necessary to figure that out
right now.)

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