[PATCH v2 3/5] mshtml: Don't release location when releasing the window.

Jacek Caban jacek at codeweavers.com
Wed Nov 3 14:42:08 CDT 2021

On 11/2/21 7:07 PM, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
> We don't hold a refcount to the location, but only a weak ref (as tests show).

To be honest, the test is not really interesting and I think that it 
would be better to hold the reference instead. What we observe in tests 
may be explained by some uninteresting internal details (like maybe the 
returned interface is just some sort of a wrapper), but current 
behaviour is broken for scripts. As an example like:

location.prop = "test";

var v = location.prop;

location may be released between those sentences, causing "prop" to be lost.

I think that we can just remove the reference count test if it causes 



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