RFC: Reparse Point/NT Symlink Support [3]

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Sat Oct 2 03:42:02 CDT 2021

"Erich E. Hoover" <erich.e.hoover at gmail.com> writes:

> On Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 2:31 AM Alexandre Julliard <julliard at winehq.org> wrote:
>> Once you have this working for a range of different tags, with tests to
>> confirm compatibility, we can think about what subset of reparse points
>> would make sense as pure Unix symlinks, and add a special case for
>> these.
> Okay, what exactly are you looking for here?  That you get the same
> thing back that you put in?  Just like Unix symlinks, you can store
> any sort of arbitrary text/unicode/garbage in a reparse point for any
> tag (if you are so inclined).  The OS may not know what to do with
> that tag unless you write a filter for it, but you can store anything
> that you want.

Yes, basically you need a simple storage mechanism to store/retrieve
arbitrary data, and then some hook in the existing path lookup code that
can use that data to modify the searched path in all sorts of
interesting ways.

Note that all the interesting stuff must happen at path lookup time, not
at reparse point creation time. If you insist on making these resolvable
at the Unix level, you have to do all sorts of path mangling at creation
time, which is going to break very quickly.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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