[PATCH] server: Use SO_BINDTODEVICE in bind_to_index() if possible.

Paul Gofman pgofman at codeweavers.com
Tue Oct 12 13:37:30 CDT 2021

On 10/12/21 21:06, Paul Gofman wrote:
> Bug 33008 looks like about this.
After a bit more careful consideration it looks to me 33008 is also 
different. That bug doesn't concern multiple sockets, as per description 
just one is created and the issue is the bind address substiution 
(something -> INADDR_ANY) which breaks some NAT rules setup on the 
machine. With this patche the address substitution still takes place, it 
is just it is not supposed to break multiple UDP sockets bound to 
different interface addresses with the same port. I am not currently 
aware if we can avoid INADDR_ANY substitution to receive broadcasts. I 
think there is no exception on this matter in Linux. So unless we want 
to do something completely different and much more complicated, like 
bringing in another "shadow" socket to listen to broadcasts and forward 
those, this bug will stay open.

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