[PATCH v2 1/8] jscript: Implement proxy objects along with a private interface.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 08:23:15 CDT 2021

Hi Jacek,

On 15/10/2021 22:27, Jacek Caban wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> The main idea behind this patch looks good, but I think some more 
> consideration would be nice to make it fit better the bigger picture.
> Right now, we use IDispatch[Ex] all over jscript (that's how it's stored 
> in jsval_t, for example) and we often needs three code paths: for 
> IDispatch, IDispatchEx and jsdisp_t. With your patches, that we'd have 
> four code paths, even if it's often hidden behind helpers. While we 
> ultimately need separated code paths, I feel like we could do it 
> architecturally better and it would be good to consider that. One way to 
> achieve that is to abstract JS objects enough so that we'd operate on a 
> single type everywhere outside the code dealing with the difference 
> (dispex.c, more or less).
> Note that pure external IDispatch and IDispatchEx could be represented 
> by jsdisp_t restricted to have only proxy properties. IDispatch -> 
> jsdisp_t mapping would be a bit tricky in this case, but some sort of rb 
> tree should do. If we had that, we could replace all IDispatch usage 
> with jsdisp_t, including jsval_t. jsdisp_t (or a new jsobj_t type) could 
> then internally sort of differences between those, maybe with an 
> internal vtbl.

I have to admit I'm a bit worried about this. Please bear with me, I'll 
try to be brief, but there's just a lot to talk about.

Initially, I tried something like that, trying to fit everything into 
jsdisp. Unfortunately, I gave up on that path because I realized it 
would not make the code much cleaner, if anything it would make it worse 
in some places—simply put, the existing jscript tests blew up, because 
the current implementation, despite all the code paths, is completely 
correct from behavioral perspective.

That's because external Dispatch objects do *not* behave like JS objects 
at all. They're "special". In contrast, the proxies that this patch 
implements for mshtml objects *do* behave almost like JS objects, which 
is why it works and makes sense to have them in jsdisp.

mshtml proxies have prototypes, have props, and stuff like 
extensible/frozen, they *do not* work with Enumerator, just like JS 
objects don't, and so on. Basically they make use of all the fields in 
jsdisp_t, more or less, and so can use the jsdisp code path just fine 
(with few additional paths for proxy-specific things or props).

In contrast, external Dispatch objects *do not* have these. They do not 
have prototypes, they don't have props stored on jscript side (in fact, 
that leads to a ton of test failures, just that alone), have no concept 
of jscript extensibility, they also *work* with Enumerator if they 
expose _NewEnum, unlike both mshtml proxies and standard JS objects, and 
have no builtin props or any other data on jscript side.

Excluding dispex.c, the different code paths now happen all throughout 
the code, but many of those in engine.c, object.c etc will still be 
needed simply to act differently because dispatch objects are *very* 
different from JS objects.

To me, it doesn't make much sense to store them in jsdisp, when they'll 
(have to) literally ignore every single field in the jsdisp and 
behavior, except for the class in builtin_info perhaps. Any code that 
touches jsdisp fields will be *wrong* for dispatch objects and will 
require a different code path anyway. Although instead of checking for 
"to_jsdisp" being NULL or not, we'd probably check for a 
JSCLASS_DISPATCH class, but I don't see that as an improvement since 
it's still a check into a different (and necessary) code path.

In fact, I'd argue it adds more potential complications to the code. 
First, as you mentioned, we'll need some sort of rbtree to map 
dispatches. This adds complexity to the code, but also runtime overhead, 
not just for lookups, but also for the rbtree entry, which uses 4 
pointer-sized fields already for every object (5 if you count the 
pointer to the Dispatch).

Then we'll have to add *more* special case handling in things like 
variant_to_jsval, to treat dispatch objects and map them, but also in 
jsval_to_variant, because external code that *expects* the original 
dispatch pointer (and this is tested) and not something wrapped in a 
jsdisp dispatch, otherwise we'd break the existing tests!

This patch already does this for proxies, but (1) it doesn't require 
rbtrees and (2) the only reason it does it in jsval_to_variant is 
because mshtml builtin functions expect passed parameters to have 
specific IIDs in some cases, so they need to have the original dispatch 
passed to them. Having them wrapped in a JS object dispatch doesn't work 
in this case, but that's it. If there's a way to avoid that, I can drop 
the need to convert them back to their actual inner dispatch.

Overall I think it's not worth simply because dispatch objects are just 
very different from JS objects, behavior-wise, and would require most of 
the different code paths anyway. In fact, I believe that the way it's 
currently done is pretty straightforward and correct, because the 
dispatch itself is the "lowest common divisor" and makes sense to store 
that in a jsval for example.

I mean, I could conceivably add another container for all objects, 
that's a common divisor and avoid the pitfalls described above, but I 
don't see much point when IDispatch already does this. Sure you need 
checks for jsdisp in some cases but that's no different than using 
something like QueryInterface on a private interface for jsdisps.

Or I could add some "ops" or "vtable" to the container and have a ton of 
methods in there to handle all the code paths that require different 
logic between them, but is that really much of an improvement though? 
Issue is that it will have methods dealing with vastly different parts 
of the code that require different code paths (some with stuff in 
object.c, some with stuff in function.c, engine.c, etc).

Lastly, I want to give another example on a patch I haven't sent yet, 
and was planning to send after these are in, but will also be affected 
by this. In Function_apply we test for array or arguments class, but 
this is only correct in normal jscript, other modes have more quirks 
(that some js libraries examine or abuse).

In mshtml before ES5, external dispatch objects are *allowed* as 
argument to apply() as long as they expose "length" as a prop. However, 
JS objects that have a "length" prop *are not* allowed. ES5 makes this 
different, allowing JS objects as well, but not throwing errors when 
"length" is not found, but giving an undefined array.

So in this case, we'd still have to check there for jsdisp vs Dispatch 
object, because we have to reject JS objects unless they're array or 
arguments class, even if they expose "length", which is not the case 
with external Dispatch objects (in html mode only).

This is yet another example of a different code path needed in a place 
different from dispex.c, simply due to how native works. How would this 
even look like if Dispatch objects were merged into jsdisp? Would it not 
still require a check of some sort and code path?

Overall I'm just worried that it would be very hard not to break the 
existing (and future) tests without complicating the code even more than 
it currently is, with checks, considering that dispatch objects do not 
behave like jsdisps at all, and in fact any code path dealing with 
jsdisps and their fields will simply be wrong for Dispatch objects.

> Another thing that we will need to support is proper prototype chain 
> support for MSHTML objects. Eg. those functions should not really be 
> properties of objects, but rather their prototypes. I think that it will 
> be possible to express by extending something like this extension, but 
> that's something to keep in mind. I'm not expecting you to implement all 
> of that, I'm not even sure about details of it without trying it, but 
> let's make sure we won't make it harder in the future.

Good point, but it shouldn't be hard to deal with; they are made to act 
like JS objects more or less and have prototypes (though I set them to 
object prototype, which is not correct I guess, but good enough for a 
first implementation).

So, to fix this we'd just need to set them to proper prototypes in 
convert_to_proxy without really touching much else, so it can be easily 
done, in theory. It would probably need an internal interface 
GetPrototype method or something, but that's not a problem.

> While I'd hope for a bit cleaner solution, there is one more problem 
> with moving all properties to jscript: cycle collector will no longer be 
> able to deal with them. See dispex_traverse. Without cycle collector 
> knowing about object properties, we will leak on cycles (we already 
> don't traverse through builtin jscript objects, so there are leaks 
> already, but this will make it worse).

I don't really understand specifics here, but it goes through dynamic 
props, so it should work just fine I believe?

The current proxy implementation delegates all the handling to mshtml 
(because it has specific quirks). The props on jscript side are just 
"indices" into the mshtml props (dynamic or not). So traversing the 
dynamic props will yield the same results as before; they're still there.

What does note_cc_edge do? Does it somehow remove the prop? If so, I'll 
probably have to add a way for mshtml to notify jscript to also remove 
the prop index, but it's not necessary for correctness because an 
invalid index (that points to a non-existed DISPID or a deleted dynamic 
prop) is the same as a deleted one right now, it just takes a slot and 
some memory. Even if not, it shouldn't be hard using an internal 
interface here to notify it.

But that depends on what note_cc_edge does.

>> +typedef struct {
>> +    FunctionInstance function;
>> +    IDispatchEx *proxy;
>> +    DISPID id;
>> +} ProxyFunction;
> Binding this to one exact object doesn't seem right. For example 
> document.body.click.call(div_elem) should probably work fine and call on 
> div_elem. Maybe it's better to store such functions as a pair of 

Interesting, I'll have to test for this. I hadn't considered it, 
although I do test for incompatible objects now (and it throws the 
proper error, i.e. E_UNEXPECTED). But yeah, they're incompatible, so 
need to add tests for compatible objects of same type and see what happens.


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