Porting/Compiling assistance

Brent Burkholder bburk at extremeprotocol.com
Wed Oct 27 13:04:15 CDT 2021

It's an Ubuntu setup, but the whole folder I'm dealing with is an smb mount on another linux system (shared source code with Windows builds.)

My localsource folder (the build directory) is actually /mnt/epssource/extreme/EPS_LINUX/localsource

So I CD into that folder and build. 
Permissions don't SEEM to be an issue... that rc_debug.txt file output into localsource (location of Makefile and the folder I'm invoking from) and the .o outputs are going into localsource/Debug/ as expected.

What I don't know is where winebuild is trying to make some of those temporary files (.s)   Could using this mount be causing a problem?

I was hoping to be able to keep EVERYTHING on the remote system so that I wouldn't have to worry about keeping things updated, etc, but I guess I could try making the build folder on the local disk and pathing out the source files to the mounts.  Then I'd only need to make sure to update the makefile remotely if I had a change.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fabian Maurer <dark.shadow4 at web.de> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 1:54 PM
To: Brent Burkholder <bburk at extremeprotocol.com>
Cc: wine-devel at winehq.org
Subject: Re: Porting/Compiling assistance

Hello Brent,

Seems to work fine for me using your Makefile after fixing a few casing issues, undefined functions and creating the Debug folder.

Are you working on a Linux filesystem where you have enough permissions? There seems to be something very weird with your setup.
Your not running under WSL or have some other uncommon setup, right?

Fabian Maurer

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