[PATCH 0/1] MR126: Draft: ddraw: Limit max texture size to fit a 16bit signed integer

Fabian Maurer (@DarkShadow44) wine at gitlab.winehq.org
Thu Jun 2 10:38:55 CDT 2022

On Thu Jun  2 13:17:37 2022 +0000, **** wrote:
> Henri Verbeet replied on the mailing list:
> ```
> On Wed, 25 May 2022 at 02:02, Fabian Maurer <wine at gitlab.winehq.org> wrote:
> > Since ddraw propably never allowed sizes that big anyways,
> > this should not cause any issues.
> This seems like something it would be easy to write tests for.
> ```
Those tests would only work if your GPU advertises 32768x32768 textures though. Would the testbot be able to handle that?


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