Gitlab experiment wrapup

Alex Henrie alexhenrie24 at
Thu Jun 16 11:33:47 CDT 2022

On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 10:04 AM Gabriel Ivăncescu
<gabrielopcode at> wrote:
> There's one other (pretty big, for me) problem I can't seem to find how
> to replicate with MRs compared to sending patches: how do I add notes
> for each commit that shouldn't actually be committed? For patches I used
> to add below the --- line, and these are super useful when you just want
> to tell the information to the reviewer, which wouldn't make much sense
> to have in the codebase itself.
> These seem to get lost when I push. I have to admit `git notes` seems
> pretty convoluted to me and I've no idea how it gets "stored" especially
> for merge requests. Patches were much easier to comprehend.
> I mean, I guess I can add it to the MR description but that's not
> pointing out to a specific commit/patch... sigh.

In a GitLab merge request, I can click on a specific commit to see its
diff, then click on the commit hash again, and GitLab gives me a box
to leave a comment either about a specific line of the commit or about
the commit as a whole. Would that work for you?


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