[PATCH 2/5] jscript: Pass null jsval to builtin functions instead of the global host.

Jacek Caban jacek at codeweavers.com
Thu Mar 17 13:37:50 CDT 2022

On 3/17/22 17:25, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
> +    var tests = [
> +        [ "Array.sort",             0x800a138f,     function(ctx) { Array.prototype.sort.call(ctx); } ],
> +        [ "Boolean.valueOf",        0x800a1392,     function(ctx) { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(ctx); } ],
> +        [ "Date.getYear",           0x800a138e,     function(ctx) { Date.prototype.getYear.call(ctx); } ],
> +        [ "Enumerator.atEnd",       0x800a1397,     function(ctx) { Enumerator.prototype.atEnd.call(ctx); } ],
> +        [ "Function.apply",         0x800a138a,     function(ctx) { Function.prototype.apply.call(ctx, [ function() {} ]); } ],
> +        [ "Number.toExponential",   0x800a1389,     function(ctx) { Number.prototype.toExponential.call(ctx); } ],
> +        [ "Object.hasOwnProperty",  0x800a138f,     function(ctx) { Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ctx, "toString"); } ],
> +        [ "RegExp.test",            0x800a1398,     function(ctx) { RegExp.prototype.test.call(ctx, "foobar"); } ],
> +        [ "VBArray.lbound",         0x800a1395,     function(ctx) { VBArray.prototype.lbound.call(ctx); } ]
> +    ];

It would be nice to name those constants, like in es5.js.



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