1/2 WGL: remove the pixel format limitation (!)

Stefan Dösinger stefan at codeweavers.com
Fri Feb 22 15:10:41 CST 2008

Am Freitag, 22. Februar 2008 21:16:23 schrieb Roderick Colenbrander:
> WineD3D has some small issues due to this change but those should be
> investigated by Stefan, Chris, me and others. The code should get a lot of
> testing as soon as possible.
We discussed this on IRC. The problem is that we're still defaulting to back 
buffer / aux buffer offscreen rendering, and thus offscreen targets are bound 
to use the same format as the back buffer. In the D3D9 test this means that 
the backbuffer is X8R8G8B8, and the onscreen target is A8R8G8B8. The alpha is 
missing with this patch(used to be always there), so the test fails.

The proper fix is to switch to FBOs for onscreen rendering whereever 
possible(FBO support still has problems that prevent that though), and on 
cards without FBOs try to use A8R8G8B8 instead of X8R8G8B8 for the 
backbuffer, and similarly for X1R5G5B5 and X4R4G4B4.
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