ws2_32: Fix conversion of address in GetAddrInfoW

Bruno Jesus 00cpxxx at
Mon Feb 17 20:56:03 CST 2014

While creating additional tests to help patch 102499 [1] get commited
I found a problem in the conversion between ai_addr from A to W. The
problem is that the current implementation uses the
sizeof(WS_sockaddr) regardless of the real address size which is in

This patch fixes that and also ensures that patch [1] is correct by
comparing all fields from the addresses returned by calling
getaddrinfo with "" and "0" service name.

-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c b/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c
index a9ac79d..2a2c809 100644
--- a/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c
+++ b/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c
@@ -5612,13 +5612,13 @@ static struct WS_addrinfoW *addrinfo_AtoW(const struct WS_addrinfo *ai)
     if (ai->ai_addr)
-        if (!(ret->ai_addr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(struct WS_sockaddr))))
+        if (!(ret->ai_addr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ai->ai_addrlen)))
             HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ret->ai_canonname);
             HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ret);
             return NULL;
-        memcpy(ret->ai_addr, ai->ai_addr, sizeof(struct WS_sockaddr));
+        memcpy(ret->ai_addr, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
     return ret;
diff --git a/dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c b/dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c
index e146548..09e8d29 100644
--- a/dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c
+++ b/dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c
@@ -349,6 +349,66 @@ static void check_so_opentype (void)
     ok ( tmp == 0, "check_so_opentype: wrong startup value of SO_OPENTYPE: %d\n", tmp );
+static void compare_addrinfo (ADDRINFO *a, ADDRINFO *b)
+    for (; a && b ; a = a->ai_next, b = b->ai_next)
+    {
+        ok(a->ai_flags == b->ai_flags,
+           "Wrong flags %d != %d\n", a->ai_flags, b->ai_flags);
+        ok(a->ai_family == b->ai_family,
+           "Wrong family %d != %d\n", a->ai_family, b->ai_family);
+        ok(a->ai_socktype == b->ai_socktype,
+           "Wrong socktype %d != %d\n", a->ai_socktype, b->ai_socktype);
+        ok(a->ai_protocol == b->ai_protocol,
+           "Wrong protocol %d != %d\n", a->ai_protocol, b->ai_protocol);
+        ok(a->ai_addrlen == b->ai_addrlen,
+           "Wrong addrlen %lu != %lu\n", a->ai_addrlen, b->ai_addrlen);
+        ok(!memcmp(a->ai_addr, b->ai_addr, min(a->ai_addrlen, b->ai_addrlen)),
+           "Wrong address data\n");
+        if (a->ai_canonname && b->ai_canonname)
+        {
+            ok(!strcmp(a->ai_canonname, b->ai_canonname),
+               "Wrong canonical name '%s' != '%s'\n", a->ai_canonname, b->ai_canonname);
+        }
+        else if(a->ai_canonname || b->ai_canonname)
+            ok(0, "Expected both canonical names present (%p != %p)\n", a->ai_canonname, b->ai_canonname);
+    }
+    if (a || b)
+        ok(0, "Expected both addresses null (%p != %p)\n", a, b);
+static void compare_addrinfow (ADDRINFOW *a, ADDRINFOW *b)
+    for (; a && b ; a = a->ai_next, b = b->ai_next)
+    {
+        ok(a->ai_flags == b->ai_flags,
+           "Wrong flags %d != %d\n", a->ai_flags, b->ai_flags);
+        ok(a->ai_family == b->ai_family,
+           "Wrong family %d != %d\n", a->ai_family, b->ai_family);
+        ok(a->ai_socktype == b->ai_socktype,
+           "Wrong socktype %d != %d\n", a->ai_socktype, b->ai_socktype);
+        ok(a->ai_protocol == b->ai_protocol,
+           "Wrong protocol %d != %d\n", a->ai_protocol, b->ai_protocol);
+        ok(a->ai_addrlen == b->ai_addrlen,
+           "Wrong addrlen %lu != %lu\n", a->ai_addrlen, b->ai_addrlen);
+        ok(!memcmp(a->ai_addr, b->ai_addr, min(a->ai_addrlen, b->ai_addrlen)),
+           "Wrong address data\n");
+        if (a->ai_canonname && b->ai_canonname)
+        {
+            char bufa[128], bufb[128];
+            WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, a->ai_canonname, -1,
+                                bufa, sizeof(bufa), NULL, NULL);
+            WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, b->ai_canonname, -1,
+                                bufb, sizeof(bufb), NULL, NULL);
+            ok(!strcmp(bufa, bufb), "Wrong canonical name '%s' != '%s'\n", bufa, bufb);
+        }
+        else if(a->ai_canonname || b->ai_canonname)
+            ok(0, "Expected both canonical names present (%p != %p)\n", a->ai_canonname, b->ai_canonname);
+    }
+    if (a || b)
+        ok(0, "Expected both addresses null (%p != %p)\n", a, b);
 /**************** Server utility functions ***************/
@@ -5375,7 +5435,7 @@ static void test_GetAddrInfoW(void)
     static const WCHAR zero[] = {'0',0};
     int i, ret;
-    ADDRINFOW *result, *p, hint;
+    ADDRINFOW *result, *result2, *p, hint;
     if (!pGetAddrInfoW || !pFreeAddrInfoW)
@@ -5399,25 +5459,27 @@ static void test_GetAddrInfoW(void)
     ret = pGetAddrInfoW(NULL, zero, NULL, &result);
     ok(!ret, "GetAddrInfoW failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
     ok(result != NULL, "GetAddrInfoW failed\n");
-    pFreeAddrInfoW(result);
-    result = NULL;
-    ret = pGetAddrInfoW(NULL, empty, NULL, &result);
+    result2 = NULL;
+    ret = pGetAddrInfoW(NULL, empty, NULL, &result2);
     ok(!ret, "GetAddrInfoW failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
-    ok(result != NULL, "GetAddrInfoW failed\n");
+    ok(result2 != NULL, "GetAddrInfoW failed\n");
+    compare_addrinfow(result, result2);
+    pFreeAddrInfoW(result2);
     result = NULL;
     ret = pGetAddrInfoW(empty, zero, NULL, &result);
     ok(!ret, "GetAddrInfoW failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
     ok(result != NULL, "GetAddrInfoW failed\n");
-    pFreeAddrInfoW(result);
-    result = NULL;
-    ret = pGetAddrInfoW(empty, empty, NULL, &result);
+    result2 = NULL;
+    ret = pGetAddrInfoW(empty, empty, NULL, &result2);
     ok(!ret, "GetAddrInfoW failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
-    ok(result != NULL, "GetAddrInfoW failed\n");
+    ok(result2 != NULL, "GetAddrInfoW failed\n");
+    compare_addrinfow(result, result2);
+    pFreeAddrInfoW(result2);
     result = NULL;
     ret = pGetAddrInfoW(localhost, NULL, NULL, &result);
@@ -5514,7 +5576,7 @@ static void test_GetAddrInfoW(void)
 static void test_getaddrinfo(void)
     int i, ret;
-    ADDRINFOA *result, *p, hint;
+    ADDRINFOA *result, *result2, *p, hint;
     if (!pgetaddrinfo || !pfreeaddrinfo)
@@ -5538,25 +5600,27 @@ static void test_getaddrinfo(void)
     ret = pgetaddrinfo(NULL, "0", NULL, &result);
     ok(!ret, "getaddrinfo failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
     ok(result != NULL, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
-    pfreeaddrinfo(result);
-    result = NULL;
-    ret = pgetaddrinfo(NULL, "", NULL, &result);
+    result2 = NULL;
+    ret = pgetaddrinfo(NULL, "", NULL, &result2);
     ok(!ret, "getaddrinfo failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
-    ok(result != NULL, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
+    ok(result2 != NULL, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
+    compare_addrinfo(result, result2);
+    pfreeaddrinfo(result2);
     result = NULL;
     ret = pgetaddrinfo("", "0", NULL, &result);
     ok(!ret, "getaddrinfo failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
     ok(result != NULL, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
-    pfreeaddrinfo(result);
-    result = NULL;
-    ret = pgetaddrinfo("", "", NULL, &result);
+    result2 = NULL;
+    ret = pgetaddrinfo("", "", NULL, &result2);
     ok(!ret, "getaddrinfo failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
-    ok(result != NULL, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
+    ok(result2 != NULL, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
+    compare_addrinfo(result, result2);
+    pfreeaddrinfo(result2);
     result = NULL;
     ret = pgetaddrinfo("localhost", NULL, NULL, &result);

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