Not enough system resources to create window

Daniel Foesch krach42 at
Sat Mar 17 14:22:41 CST 2001

>>g.patel at wrote:
>>>This looks like an internal limit of Wine (or some silly bug) :-/
>>I've had simmilar error messages running another app. Setting
>>"AllocSystemColors" = "256" cured the problem althoug the doc's state
>>this is only nessecary using X with 8-bit color depth and I am using
>>16-bit color depth.
>The trouble with Windows programs error messages is that
>the error reporting of Windows is very limited, so when a
>Win32 app fails, unless it's a well known error code such as
>disk full or file not found, apps spit a generic error message like
>'unsufficient memory' or 'not enough resources'. It can  be
>true, or anything else.

I regret, I fell into the same trap, when I was writing some DOS-apps.  Default
fail message was "not enough memory" even when the problem was a missing file.

Daniel "Krach" Foesch
"I'm all in favor of regulations dictating a standard placement of directions
on frozen foods" -Lyle McCracken

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