g.patel at wanadoo.fr g.patel at wanadoo.fr
Sun May 20 17:08:28 CDT 2001

On Fri, 18 May 2001 08:25:53 GMT, <yves-gablin at ifrance.com> wrote:

>Every once in a while, I try to run a dos program in
>wcmd (unix compiled & launched). 

AFAIK Wine is not advanced enough to run very complex dos
programs. A true Dos emulator would be more reliable
(from what I heard). 

>My main purpose is
>to test Atari ST emulators.

It's not a good idea to use Wine with applications that
you are not sure if and how they work.

>Always, the dos program wants to access memory in
>"real mode". There's something about the first 64Ko
>of memory, then it always ends with a message about
>there being no "DPMS".
>With the last patch applied (20010418), I have an
>additional hint, something like: "download file
>dpms-xxx.zip", a message seemingly from Wine.

Surely not a Wine message. AFAIK no wine messages
suggests to use zip files.
It's probably a console message from the app.

Not that getting this file from wherever it is could
do you good. If it's what I suspect (a memory manager
to allow dos apps to access extended memory), it would
never work successfully under Wine.


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