wine serial support

Raul Dias chaos at
Sun Sep 16 10:38:00 CDT 2001

>On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 11:32:06 -0300, Raul Dias <chaos at>
>>>unclear if this fails. Using +relay trace could get you this
>>>information (WriteFile returns 0 if it fails)
>>I sent it in my preivously mail.
>I must have missed a mail.
>All I can see is a --debugmsg +comm,+file

I should get shortly in you inbox.

>>>Comparing the trace for the older (working) Wine version with 
>>>the (failing) current version is often interesting, too.
>>I didn't generate a second log because the first one already got 
>>too long.  If it still necessary, let me know.
>Look at where the trace differ and post this part.
>Posting traces requires more or less a basic understanding
>of what the Win32 Api calls are doing when the problems
>are not trivial, because the trace files are too big to post :
>I get often 100 MB trace files or bigger. So the poster 
>needs some intuition to cut the interesting part.

That's the problem.  My last log was too long.
What lines can I possible cut out (grep -v) without damage it? 
x11drv? gdi32? user32? kernel32? ntdll?
>Using cvs as explained in documentation/cvs-regression
>is the best way someone without any understanding of C
>code can help tracking a regression.

I will try to do that too.
(however this probably will take longer)

>Alternately, you can post a full trace on a web page, but
>this requires someone understanding Win Api to download
>and read the trace.


Raul Dias

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