Error on running a setup.exe program...

Brian L. Walter amatin at
Sun Apr 4 13:13:28 CDT 2004


Trying to run a windoze setup.exe program. I get the following error

wine setup.exe
Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A:
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 000b), starting debugger...
Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A:
WineDbg starting on pid 8
Can't find file for ELF 'wine-kthread' ((nil))
Loaded debug information from ELF 'wine-pthread' ((nil))
Breakpoint 1 at 0x00538f00 (_end+0x426ad0)
etc etc...

Any ideas to what I may be missing? Or is this something is just not
'ready' yet?


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