[Wine]Re: to the administrators

Julian Hall wine at kaotic.co.uk
Wed Jun 23 17:16:02 CDT 2004

I am a new user to Linux in general, not just to WINE which is the whole
reason I subscribe to this list.  I personally don't have the first clue
about how to "filter off the List:ID".  However, I use Ximian Evolution for
email, and as has been noted elsewhere, I just filter mail where
wine-users at winehq.org is in the Recipients field.

As a new Linux user though, I do still access from a Windows based PC fairly
regularly.  You can't tell a Windows mail client to filter off the the
List:ID.  On those grounds alone I support the inclusion of [WINE] in the

On the whole it is much easier all-round to filter with a subject heading
including [WINE], as I do for other lists.  The reason for this is simply
that not everyone replies to the list, and as some of us are new to Linux as
well as WINE, sometimes we access via a non-Linux system.  If a personal
reply is required then wine-users etc will NOT be in the header, however it
will still be a WINE related email.  Therefore when A.N Other user sends a
reply relating to a WINE question it will still have the original [WINE] in
the subject.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: wine-users-admin at winehq.org [mailto:wine-users-admin at winehq.org]On
Behalf Of Massimo Corinaldesi
Sent: 23 June 2004 22:18
To: wine-users at winehq.org
Subject: [Wine]Re: to the administrators

That's the problem: I'm not sufficiently skilled to do a filtering on the
header avoiding to read the mail message. I know only the old plain kmail
(kontact). My aim is to filter not reading the message, so not sending "ok
I've read Your message" to the sender.

Yes, I'm not skilled but, perhaps, too anxious against spammers....


Alle 16:48, mercoledì 23 giugno 2004, Rein Klazes ha scritto:
> On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 16:07:01 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:
> > I'm interested to have on the object of each message generated by the
> > mailing list something like "[Wine]", as for others mailing lists. That
> > could be useful to discriminate between right messages and spam,
> > to delete messages not reading them in advance.
> >
> > I think other users too could apreciate that addendum.
> Filter on something like the List-ID: header, that is why it is there.
> Rather then to modifying the subject line, which will soon look like
> something like
> | re:[Wine Users] RE:[Wine Users] Re:[Wine Users] Aw:[Wine Users] Betr:
> | question.
> Rein.


--->   Massimo Corinaldesi I0MCF

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