[Wine]Weird Printer Problems

josie at mbstemps.com josie at mbstemps.com
Sun Jul 24 15:42:02 CDT 2005

I have recently set up a defualt printer on my Redhat system.  I have been able to print from Wine with no problems.  Then I noticed that when I print out reports in landscape when the line reaches a certain number of characters (122) 5 spaces are missing then it resumes with the rest of the line.  For example if I was printing a report with the name and it got to 117 characters and 'Bank of America' was to be printed, it would come up 'Bank erica' it cuts out 5 characters everytime at the 122 character mark then resumes with the rest of the line as normal.  This is really odd.  I was wondering if it was a driver problem, a buffer problem, or something totally different.  I've been messing with it for some time and I can't quite figure it out.


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