[Wine] Warcraft 3

Philippe Anctil z77y16 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 8 19:28:01 CST 2005


I have installed and played WC3 on Linux quite a lot around 20031212 
release. The game played almost perfectly and I was very happy about that.

I have reinstalled it recently. I am currently running it under Wine 0.9 on 
FC4. I find the performance to be inferior to what it used to be. I am 
experiencing frequent short pauses ingame. It seems to be related to units 
and building selections, through direct clicks or marquees. It makes the 
game harder to play. I won't dare returning on bnet until this works better.

My comp is a Celeron 1.4 GHz with 512 MB of RAM. I've had the same config 
since I started using Wine.

How's WC3 working for you? What's your cpu? What is your distro?

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