[Wine] BUG/Unimplemented Feature: Alt-Tab between Linux & win apps!

Panarchy wineforum-user at winehq.org
Fri Nov 14 06:38:44 CST 2008


I'd like to report a bug/unimplemented feature.

That is Alt-Tab between windows programs running in WINE (eg Dev-C++) and linux programs (eg Adobe Reader 8).

The two programs I specifically mentioned to give you more info!

Alt-Tabbing from Adobe Reader to Dev-C++ 'prints to the screen' a very small amount of the top bit of the window. [Evil or Very Mad]

Alt-Tabbing from Dev-C++ back to Adobe Reader doesn't pose a problem. :D

So please fix/add this feature in your next release.

Thanks in advance,


PS: The OS I am using is Super Ubuntu.

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