[Wine] Deleting the hidden .wine folder in OSX... Help!

Martin Gregorie martin at gregorie.org
Sun Apr 26 04:36:52 CDT 2009

On Sun, 2009-04-26 at 03:17 -0500, helpplease wrote:
> However, locate wine does show the path /Users/username/.wine/drive_c/ etc etc.
That's because 'locate' is scanning a database thats typically refreshed
at part of the overnight cron jobs.

Either look again next day to convince yourself that its gone or run
'updatedb' as root. BTW, the same restriction applies to the 'apropos'
manpage finder.

In summary: 
- 'locate' doesn't see recent changes until cron has run 'updatedb'
- if you want to check on a change you've just made, use 'ls' or 'find'


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