Planning meals for Wineconf

Brian Vincent vinn at
Thu Apr 21 17:08:29 CDT 2005

Jeremy White <jwhite at> wrote:
> I worry that we have left this a little bit too late, and
> that we have not been giving Herr Gemkow enough support.
> At this point, I understand that we have the following
> plans:
>   1.  Coffee to be provided by the University, as they
>       have good high powered coffee makers.

This would be nice.
>   2.  Rolls of some sort to be bought and brought in
>       separately by local volunteers, whether that's
>       Michael, Andi, or Brian is not yet clear.
>       The thinking is that most folks will have breakfast
>       at their hotel, so the rolls/donuts are a 'nice to
>       have', not a 'have to have'.

I agree - everyone was told in advance to eat at the hotel.  It seems
almost everyone is staying at the hotel.  

I get into town on Tuesday, I may be able to help with some of this.  
Perhaps we can find out who the hotel gets their stuff from and order a 
little extra?
>   3.  Lunch is still open.  I think if we just ordered
>       30 pizzas delivered along with some soda that would
>       suffice.  I don't know if there are more elaborate
>       plans than that, or if it would be okay for us to
>       have pizza in the meeting rooms.

Yes - pizza for lunch is fine.  

>   4.  Dinner Saturday I think we're nearly done on; I understand
>       that Hans-Ulrich is making a reservation for us on
>       Saturday.

Yes, I believe we have dinner on Saturday worked out.  For Friday, I
think it should just be informal.  I'll be in town early, so I'll try
to find somewhere that could hold 30+ people.  Maybe we can split it
between a few different restaurants in the same area.

> It seems to me that if we could have someone to volunteer
> to take care of rolls (there are two days, so maybe two
> volunteers), and if someone could volunteer to figure
> out lunch, that we would maybe have this covered.

If someone knows a bakery near the University, I can stop in on 
Tuesday or Wednesday and place the order.  I could also wander
around and figure this out.

> Thoughts?  Comments?

Jeremy, are you going to bring Mandy? :)  That would make organizing it easier.


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