po: Revise Russian translation

Nikolay Sivov bunglehead at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 11:23:09 CDT 2014

On 4/6/2014 19:43, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
> Nikolay Sivov <bunglehead at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>    Why for
>>> instance in the same translation update "SCANNING... Please Wait" still
>>> contains 'пожалуйста' (please) then? There are other occurances of 'please'
>>> all over the place, are you suggesting to remove them all as well in
>>> the russian translation?
>> Not necessary, it's not all-or-nothing rule. Each case should be
>> considered separately, for "SCANNING.." one it's better to keep 'please'
>> translated, because otherwise it becomes too short and feels incomplete
>> (no, same doesn't apply for select a file).
> You forgot to add some details, for instance explain why it doen't
> apply for 'select a file', but does apply to 'please wait'.
I already explained why we don't need it for 'select a file', several 
times. For "SCANNING.." line, if you're really interested about that 
one, it's malformed in a first place. Much better translation would be 
"Подождите, идет сканирование", or something like that, but because of 
specific format of original string we can't do that without changing 
original line. We could remove 'please' part from it too, but as I said 
it will make it unpleasantly short and incomplete.Again that's not a 
good example to compare to.
> [unrelated speculations are skipped]

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