wine-gitlab August 2023

[email protected]
  • 4 participants
  • 1091 discussions

[PATCH 0/7] MR3606: winegstreamer: Introduce a new wg_source internal interface.
by Rémi Bernon (@rbernon)
3 months

[PATCH v11 0/3] MR741: ntdll: Implement NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers.
by Torge Matthies (@tmatthies)
3 months

[PATCH 0/1] MR1425: ntdll: Return FILE_DEVICE_DISK for Unix FIFOs and sockets from get_device_info().
by Paul Gofman (@gofman)
3 months

[PATCH 0/1] MR305: Draft: vkd3d-shader/hlsl: Implement strings
by Petrichor Park (@petrathekat)
3 months

[PATCH 0/4] MR3422: ddraw tests for Pick and GetPickRecords
by Jeffrey Smith (@whydoubt)
3 months, 1 week

[PATCH 0/1] MR2902: winex11.drv: Expose GWL_STYLE and GWL_EXSTYLE as X11 properties.
by Joshua Ashton (@joshua)
3 months, 2 weeks

[PATCH v3 0/6] MR2298: winewinrt: Introduce new WinRT common module.
by Rémi Bernon (@rbernon)
3 months, 2 weeks

[PATCH v5 0/1] MR263: vkd3d-shader/spirv: Refactor the type system.
by Conor McCarthy (@cmccarthy)
3 months, 3 weeks

[PATCH 0/3] MR3124: Move periodic registry save out of wineserver
by Paul Gofman (@gofman)
3 months, 3 weeks

[PATCH 0/8] MR3059: Don't redefine typedefs (needed for gcc 4.3)
by Fabian Maurer (@DarkShadow44)
3 months, 3 weeks
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