resend update to sgml documentation

Tony Lambregts tony_lambregts at
Sun Nov 10 20:00:16 CST 2002

Vincent Béron wrote:

>Le dim 10/11/2002 à 19:49, Tony Lambregts a écrit :
>>Ok there are four guides
>>and three formats (extentions)
>>So with your patch applied I can build any of the guides in any format I choose by picking the guide and the format extention. However none of these combinations build wine-doc.html
>>ie "make wine-user.html" builds just the wine users guide in html 
>Correct. It's actually "make wine-user/index.html", but the point is

So if I understand you correctly there is no way to build just the User Guide html

I can build all the html

make allhtml  --> All the guides in html + wine-doc.html

or user guide in all formats

make wine-user --> User guide in html, pdf and ps

I am sad about that. Could you explain why "make wine-user.html" has to make only the index and not the rest. or am I just being thick?


Tony Lambregts

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