Possible Proformence Costs on Non-debug Builds

Nathan Boyle nhb316 at swirvemail.com
Tue Jan 7 16:23:42 CST 2003

Why are there 20364 debug messages that get  compiled into the code even w/ debug messages turned off?
They don't actually do anything when you configure w/ --disable-debug, but shouldn't all those "if"s slow down execution incredibly?
Why arn't the "if"s implemented in preprocessor directives?
Please CC any replys to boylenate316 at aol.com, i am using my junk-mail account to send this b/c i cant send e-mails from the AOL website on Linux[IE specific tags probably], and waol.exe insists that i need it to install the dun/ras files and reboot whenever i try to run it under wine.
NOTE: i just updated my Wine code from CVS and compiled about an hour ago..

just another WindBlows X-tra P-ricey hater who misses WfW 3.11....

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