winecfg: add all Windows versions and accompanying error message (try 3)

Jason Overland jasonoverland at
Sun Apr 12 04:21:53 CDT 2015

On 04/10/2015 06:04 AM, Andrew Eikum wrote:
> For some reason, this renders without a space between "the" and the "Wine FAQ" link. Also half of the last 'x' and the period are cut off. It could be an issue on my system. I'm not very familiar with how RC files work. Other than those issues, it seems to work as intended. Andrew 

Ah, yes, this was frustrating me as well.  But I think it's unrelated to my patch.  What distro/desktop environment are you using, out of curiosity?  I had the same issue with text getting cut off until I switched from an Ubuntu (Unity) machine to a Lubuntu (LXDE) machine.  I suspect that if you check all the other tabs of winecfg, you'll probably see other text getting cut off (at least I did).  Probably it's some broader issue with fonts/DPI/compositors/spooky action.  I'll add that to the list of things I'd like to investigate if I can ever find the time.

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