Profiling application under Wine

Vincent Povirk madewokdev at
Fri Jun 28 13:09:01 CDT 2019

The WINE_MONO_* variables are just the ones we've added. Other MONO_*
variables should generally work the same as in regular Mono. I haven't
worked with Mono's profiling tools so I can't give any further advice.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2019, 11:18 AM Hin-Tak Leung <htl10 at>

> Hmm, I think wine-mono has been working in 64-bit mode for a while -
> although you have to invoke wine explicitly as wine64 to hook into it . I
> think there are some quirks about how wine and wine-mono interacts, in such
> a way that you cannot do 32-bit + 64-bit switches within the process - i.e.
> you must do 64-bit wine to get at 64-bit wine-mono.
> Do you notice any performance difference between using wine-mono and
> dotnet472 64-bit ?
> I am going back to wine-mono for your issue, as mono supports setting
> profiling option via environment variables (catering for exactly this use
> case, when mono is running embedded inside another process), and you can
> set WINE_MONO_* variables to pass those along. I am not sure about the
> exact details so you'll need to look up the relevant docs, but I know this
> is possible - mono has a built-in profiler, and it is accessible and turned
> on via environment variables.
> --------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 25/6/19, Chambers, Matthew <matt.chambers42 at> wrote:
>  The application requires
>  dotnet472 and 64-bit at that. I actually had to add that
>  verb to winetricks to get our application to work. I'm
>  definitely getting varying mileage! My
>  question is how to profile it with Windows symbols so I can
>  understand why and either help fix it in
>  Wine or possibly avoid the problem from my
>  application code.
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