[PATCH 3/4] joy.cpl: Consistently use the 32 buttons limit from DIJOYSTATE.

Rémi Bernon rbernon at codeweavers.com
Thu Oct 14 05:15:43 CDT 2021

On 10/14/21 11:48 AM, Cláudio Sampaio wrote:
> Will that allow to later increase this limit, which is easily violated by
> popular devices like the Logitech X52 Pro and some other HOTAS devices?

This to fix some crash in joy.cpl control panel. It is itself limited to 
32 buttons, but I don't think there's any button limit anymore in dinput 
or the joystick backends in winebus.sys.

There's still possibly an axis limit in the SDL bus, which I need to 
remove as well.

Otherwise it's already possible to disable SDL in the registry, which 
will make Wine use the evdev/hidraw backends. They should not have an 
arbitrary axis limit, although evdev does some axis mapping which may 
still be limited.
Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>

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