[Wine] Goodbye Windows?

Django29 wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Jul 10 15:17:48 CDT 2008

I know that Linux provides most of the softwares we need for business, equivalent of Outlook, MS Office, IE, ...  but :
Is it realistic to think that we can delete Win XP, and use Wine with Linux, for a professional use, with :
- All Adobe, with the ICC profiles (I use Monaco EZcolor for the calibration).
- CMS like Joomla and a lot of plugs-in, and a few tools for webranking.

I hope the answer is yes (with comments please).
Is there a difference for the Wine behavior, with Ubuntu, Suse, or another?
(I prefer Suse).
Si la réponse est en Français, c'est encore mieux.


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