[Wine] Re: Incomplete List of Available Printers in Quicken

vitamin wineforum-user at winehq.org
Fri May 30 19:47:13 CDT 2008

bgood wrote:
> Thanks for that direction/suggestion. I've just tried going though the Apple info and the cups.org/documentation and don't see how to make all the virtual printers available via CUPS. Apple says to add/share printers via their Preferences to make the printers available to Unix users (sound like they are thinking about networked Unix users) and the CUPS documents I went through don't talk about adding virtual printers. Can you give me some details on how to do this? I'm still pretty new to Linux.
> Thanks

If you don't want/don't know how to go through CUPS you can use something like "|kprint" for the printer port. Where "kprint" is the KDE's "print manager" and printer port - the printer port for a particular printer in the registry (you will find if if you look for "port".

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