wine-devel August 2019

[email protected]
  • 66 participants
  • 557 discussions

[PATCH v2 2/6] mfplat: Implement IMFDXGIDeviceManager::ResetDevice().
by Jactry Zeng
4 years, 8 months

[PATCH v2 5/6] mfuuid: Import mfmediaengine.h.
by Jactry Zeng
4 years, 8 months

[PATCH v2 1/6] mfplat: Implement MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager().
by Jactry Zeng
4 years, 8 months

[PATCH v2 4/6] include: Add mfmediaengine.idl.
by Jactry Zeng
4 years, 8 months

[PATCH v2 3/6] mfmediaengine: Add stub dll.
by Jactry Zeng
4 years, 8 months

[PATCH v2 1/4] user32: Implement GetRegisteredRawInputDevices
by Rémi Bernon
4 years, 8 months

[PATCH] dbghelp: Prevent an invalid memory access when the search path element is empty
by Rémi Bernon
4 years, 8 months

Fwd: [PATCH 1/2] dwrite/tests: Initialize ivalue to 0.
by Isira Seneviratne
4 years, 8 months

4 years, 8 months
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